Jessica E Salvatore, Ph.D.

Associate Director, EDGE Lab (2015-2021)
Positions after EDGE Lab
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Rutgers University
B.A. from Carleton College, 2006
M.A. from University of Minnesota, 2008
Ph.D from University of Minnesota, 2011
Research Interests
The current focus of my work is on how close relationship processes and alcohol misuse interface across development, particularly in the high-risk emerging adulthood period. I take a genetically informed perspective in order to understand how genetic predispositions for alcohol use disorder influence relationship outcomes (i.e., gene-environment correlation), and the circumstances under which relationship factors moderate alcohol use disorder genetic predispositions (i.e., gene-environment interaction). The larger goal of this work is to understand how genetic and relationship factors predict trajectories of alcohol misuse to better inform personalized interventions for individuals who are at-risk.
Mentored Research Scientist Award
K01 AA024152 Salvatore (PI) $740,707 2016 - 2021
Genetics, romantic relationships, and alcohol misuse in emerging adulthood
NIH Reporter Page
National Research Service Award
F32 AA022269 Salvatore (PI) $112,684 2013 - 2015
Genetically-informed designs of externalizing behavior and romantic relationships
NIH Reporter Page
Recent Courses
The Nature and Nurture of Sports Performance (undergraduate)
Spit for Science: Conducting and Understanding Research (undergraduate)
Selected Publications
Salvatore, J. E., Thomas, N. S., Cho, S. B., Adkins, A., Kendler, K. S., & Dick, D. M. (2016). The role of romantic relationship status in pathways of risk for emerging adult alcohol use. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 30(3), 335-344. doi: 10.1037/adb0000145.
Salvatore, J. E., Meyers, J. L., Yan, J., Dodge, K. A., Bates, J. E., Pettit, G. S., . . . Dick, D. M. (2015). Intergenerational continuity in parents' and adolescents' externalizing problems: The role of life events and their interaction with GABRA2. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 124, 709-728. doi: 10.1037/abn0000066
Salvatore, J. E., Edwards, A. C., McClintick, J. N., Bigdeli, T. B., Aliev, F., Edenberg, H. J., Foroud, T., Hesselbrock, V., Kramer, J., Nurnberger Jr., J. I., Schuckit, M., Tischfield, J. A., Xuei, X., & Dick, D. M. (2015). Genome-wide association data suggest ABCB1 and immune-related gene sets may be involved in adult antisocial behavior. Translational Psychiatry, e558. doi: 10.1038/tp.2015.36
Salvatore, J. E., Prom-Wormley, E., Prescott, C., & Kendler, K. S. (2015). Overlapping genetic and environmental influences among men's alcohol consumption and problems, romantic quality and social support. Psychological Medicine, 45, 2353-2364. doi: 10.1017/S003329171500029X
Salvatore, J. E., Aliev, F., Edwards, A. C., Evans, D. M., Macleod, J., Hickman, M., . . . Dick, D. M. (2014). Polygenic scores predict alcohol problems in an independent sample and show moderation by the environment. Genes, 5, 330-346. doi: 10.3390/genes5020330